Top 150 for Education and Training / English Language and Literature (based on QS Ranking 2020).
#1 in South Australia for Full-Time Employment in health sciences and support (The Good Universities Guide 2020).
Top Courses for Singapore Students
Education & Teaching
Food Science & Dietetics
Speech Pathology
Why Study at FLINDERS?
Recognized in Singapore for Nursing, Accounting, Nutrition & Dietetics, Speech Pathology & Law Professional Degree.
Ranked in the Top 2% Universities - THE World University Rankings 2020.
Ranked 43th in Asia Pacific - THE World University Ranking 2019.
Second highest postgraduate employment rate of any university in Australia - 2019 QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey.
Professionally accredited by the Australian Computer Society (ACS) for Computing & IT subjects.
Accredited by Engineers Australia and the Washington Accord - recognised in Singapore
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Experiences to Study at Flinders University
"My time in Flinders University enabled me to obtain a degree that opened doors for me to become a speech therapist and I am thankful for the opportunities I have had to help children in other countries like Cambodia, Vietnam and China, where speech therapists are rare. In addition, the support I received from my clinical educators as a student taught me how critical that role is. As such, whenever I am assigned trainees or students, I endeavour to do my best to enable their learning."
Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Hons)Lydea, Singapore
"Lecturers and professors at Flinders University really loved to share their clinical and personal experiences. They delivered lessons with a structured plan. Together with problem-based learning (PBL) tutorials, it allowed us to have a solid foundation for the knowledge that we needed to have and acquire in future. The sunset view from the main campus!! It was such a spectacular sight!! It makes you feel free of worries."
MA AudiologyJackson, Singapore
"The degree program was very unique and attractive because it incorporated Legal Practice. I found that the legal practice courses gave me the opportunity to develop practical skills for the work place. In addition the Singapore Bar only recognises a very select few law degrees in Australia and Flinders University was one of them."